My 10 Favorite Salt Lake City Restaurants

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  1. Norm Schwartz

    HSL (Handle Salt Lake) just re-opened and we ate there last night
    Tradition is excellent
    Takashi for Sushi is amazing

    1. Thanks, Norm. I left of Takashi because I think a lot of people know about it. I didn’t know there was a Handle in SLC. Good to know!

  2. Barb Waugh / Jackson

    Thanks for this list!

    1. Thanks for your comment!!

  3. Josh

    Hi Nancy,

    Thanks for the list.
    Current Fish & Oyster is one of my favs as well. Exquisite seafood. Always fresh and awesome wine selection.

    Hope all is well with you. Josh

    1. Thanks for your comment, Josh! And you are a world traveler, so that’s a great compliment.

  4. Ben Ling

    Finn’s mint lemonade is as good as ice cream! I can’t get enough of it. Also, other honorable mentions should be Blue Plate Diner or any of the Caputo’s deli shops. And The Trib said The Cotton Bottom (garlic burgers!) fixed its neon sign for the first time in about 60 years.

  5. Thanks for your additions, Ben. I’ll have to check these out!

  6. Shana Hopperstead

    Thanks for sharing, Nancy! I have been to several you mentioned and especially enjoy The Dodo and Finn’s Cafe (love the cafe mocha). I would recommend Millcreek Cafe and Eggworks, Mazza and Feldman’s Deli. And thanks to a previous post of yours, I need to try Hub & Spoke Diner.

    1. Thanks for your comment and additional suggestions!

  7. Amie Rossetti

    Minolis (Greek) 900 South 400 East across from Pig and a Jelly Jar.
    Koko Kitchen (Japanese)
    Pulp (fresh, organic)
    Tea Rose (Thai)
    Gossip (Vietnamese)
    Gourmandis The Bakery (French Pastry)
    Freshies (specializing in Lobster)
    Moochies (famous Philly steak sandwiches and meatball sandwiches)
    Chanah’s (Thai)
    Tuk Tuk’s (Thai)
    Granado’s Deli (Italian imports and deli shop)

    1. Thanks for these great suggestions!

  8. Daniel

    There are some really great suggestions on your list. My absolute favorite restaurant since moving to Utah, Martine, is now a casualty of the pandemic unfortunately. Stanza on 300 South would be a close second. Give it a try.

    1. Thank you for these great suggestions Sad to hear about Martine. I never tried that one and now it’s too late.

    2. I went to Stanza based on your suggestion in the comments and loved it! It’s definitely a worthy addition!

  9. Travis

    No Pago?

    1. I’ve never eaten there…maybe I should?

  10. My husband and I love De Lice. The daily specials are always tasty and the French pastries are fresh and delicious everyday. The only problem is, you have a hard time deciding which ones to get.

    1. Thank you for this addition!

  11. Barbara Olmstead

    Sicilian Mia Italian restaurants are amazing. You’ve pretty much covered most of the great ones.

    1. Thanks for that addition–I’ve heard it’s great, but I have not yet eatern there.

  12. Laurie Thomas

    Table X. My favorite. Just went to Bambara and loved it!

  13. Jason

    No list is complete without red iguana

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