The Colorado blue spruce is a pretty common tree around Park City. This tree has the iconic “Christmas Tree” look and is frequently used by homeowners and landscapers to create a beautiful and private setting. The blue spruce grows at a slow to medium rate of less than 12 inches per year and up to 24 inches per year when young. It can take 35 to 50 years for a Colorado blue spruce to grow 30 to 50 feet. These trees are evergreen, meaning their leaves do not fall off.

My husband and I planted some blue spruce trees in front of our house in 2003 when we first moved into our home. That was almost 16 years ago and at a growth rate of 12 inches or more per year, our cute little blue spruce trees eventually blocked our view. We made the same mistake I see so many people make: Don’t plant trees in your view corridor. Trees grow.
I have sold homes to people with amazing views only to find several years later that the view has become obstructed by blue spruce evergreen trees. [The popular quaking aspen trees lose their leaves in the winter providing views for half the year while they are bare.]
An outstanding view can easily add 10% additional value to a home. Given the median price in Park City ranges from $1-$2 million, depending on location, a tree can easily steal $100,000 or more of your home’s value.
Be very intentional with your landscaping. If you are buying a home with views, check the trees surrounding your home for potential “view stealers”.