Sit and stay a while at the Bonanza Flat trailhead.
Bill White Farms Birdseye View
This is a photo of the “Tallman” girls taken last winter. From left to right, Emily Tallman, Jennifer Tallman, me, Whitney Tallman, and Hattie Freeman in the front. Nothing is more fun than a family ski trip, right?
PC: Hilary Reiter
My son on his 4th birthday. He just turned 18. They grow up fast.
Note the PC Meats next door, already out of business the same season it opened.
Deer Crest
The all new Bonanza Flat trailhead.
Demand-Pended Real Estate Sales in Park City
The trailhead for Bloods Lake changed in 2020. The new trail is 2.8 miles total (out and back). Dogs are not allowed within 100 feet of the lake.
The High West Livery building is built in the old National Garage, which once serviced the shoes of horses that pulled the ore carts up to the mines.
Virtual Staging
The new Bonanza Flat trailhead has singletrack access for mountain bikers.
Time Magazine Article
The view from Empire Pass.
My bicep
Signage at the Empire Pass trailhead helps visitors learn about the area and wildlife.