
Will Real Estate Agents go the Way of the Travel Agent?

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  1. Graig Griffin

    Well written, and true. As a real estate trainer and coach, often the first thing I have to do, even with experienced agents is to adjust their perspective from taking (prospecting, marketing) to giving (advising, protecting). Interlopers like Zillow and Homie are counting on agents who focus on what they can get, rather than how they can best serve their clients (give). Those who are true masters of the real estate craft never stop training, look for solutions outside of the “job description,” and know that there are three (not 2) parts to every deal: the transaction (movement of information, docs, and money), customer service (what is reasonably expected of each professional), and the EXPERIENCE which is how the client FEELS during and after.

    It’s the difference between an agent who thinks “What do I have to do here?” versus one who ponders “What could I do here to make this amazing?”

    Nancy is the latter – if you are seeking for a great Park City agent, look no further.

  2. Jurek

    Thank you for taking the time to share your comments. I’m so sorry that you have worked with some agents who are clearly not representative of the best of our business. (Losers, as you have called them). I couldn’t agree with you more. I wonder how you found the agents that you worked with. I have written about online real estate websites on other blogs and they are a terrible way to pick an agent. There are people who office an hour from Park City who advertise on Zillow as “Premiere Agents” and know nothing about our market. Online websites have no criteria for accepting premier agents as long as they pay for their ads. The best way to find a good agent is to ask friends, look on Yelp! and look at the agent’s website. When such a large amount of money is at stake, it pays to do a bit of research. If you are stuck with someone you don’t like, you can talk to the broker and ask to be switched to another agent.

  3. Sbranch

    Contrary to the belief that Travel Professionals, previously known as Travel Agents, they didn’t go away. In fact Travel Profeddionals provide more that pricing. Travel Professionals, like realtors provide a knowledge the general public does not have access too. Most suppliers in the industry depend on the volume of bookings Travel Professionals bring. There are two sets of customers in both industries, those who respect the trained and knowledgeable professionals and go to them and those who think they can do it all via the Internet. As a professional Travel Professional for over 20 yrs. be creative, standout and focus on a market that trusts the professionals and not the DYIers.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I always use a travel professional when I am planning a trip to a place I have never been. The professional advice and help with logistics is invaluable.

  4. Karen

    Just because you don’t wish to be irrelevant like travel agents are, doesn’t mean you won’t be. Real estate agents are vultures, prove me wrong…

    1. I’m sorry you had a bad experience with a real estate agent. Choosing the right agent is very important. Just like there are great physicians and lawyers and some bad apples doesn’t mean they are all bad. I know my clients appreciate the value I provide. It’s my job to continue to find ways to provide excellent representation to all clients as the market constantly shifts.

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