One of the best calls a REALTOR can get is that someone wants to sell their home. How did these three handle it?
The Mayflower Mine at Deer Valley
The Original Java Cow Ice Creamery on Park City’s Main Street
Average Sale Price Per Month Park City MLS-Last 12 Months
One of the reasons we moved was to have a better outdoor play area for our children.
A great visual of property tax usage from 2016, the most recent year such a graph is available.
The stock market doesn’t always go up. But what does that mean for luxury real estate in places like Park City?
The all new Bonanza Flat trailhead.
This is a photo of the “Tallman” girls taken last winter. From left to right, Emily Tallman, Jennifer Tallman, me, Whitney Tallman, and Hattie Freeman in the front. Nothing is more fun than a family ski trip, right?
Upper Provo River at Victory Ranch
Going to the Park City Education Foundation Fundraiser
Owner Occupied Households Decreasing in Park City UT