A great visual of property tax usage from 2016, the most recent year such a graph is available.
Pended Sales in Park City UT
Despite being known for sun, it does sometimes rain in Park City, as evidenced by this photo of me at Running with Ed a few years ago.
Ontario Mine
This is a photo of the “Tallman” girls taken last winter. From left to right, Emily Tallman, Jennifer Tallman, me, Whitney Tallman, and Hattie Freeman in the front. Nothing is more fun than a family ski trip, right?
Signage at the Empire Pass trailhead helps visitors learn about the area and wildlife.
I love the open concept kitchen.
My son on his 4th birthday. He just turned 18. They grow up fast.
Creek Road
PC: Hilary Reiter
2891 West View Trail
My dog, Kit, whom we adopted from Furburbia / FOA.
Uinta National Forest
If you pass by WholeFoods on I-80 or in the parking lot at night you’ll see these large, glowing moose!
Eric O’Connor
Accupuncture Business and Building for Sale
We like the Wine Savant Picnic Sticks, $21 on Amazon (nobody paid us to say that).