The trailhead for Bloods Lake changed in 2020. The new trail is 2.8 miles total (out and back). Dogs are not allowed within 100 feet of the lake.
One of my newest listings, 220 Daly Ave. in Park City
Annual pondskimming at Canyons
Does this home seem dated to you? My buyers thought so.
Accupuncture Business and Building for Sale
Looking down from the top of Guardsman Pass.
Bar at Victory Ranch Clubhouse-Close Up
If you pass by WholeFoods on I-80 or in the parking lot at night you’ll see these large, glowing moose!
Horseback Riding With My Daughter
A sample buyer closing statement. Click to view full file.
2532 Aspen Springs Drive
Lori Harris, owner of Mary Janes on Main Street; Nancy Tallman, Hilary Reiter, Director of Marketing and PR at Sky; Linda Lovelace
Red Pine E-5
Glenwild II
2891 West View Trail Mortgage Analysis
New listing at 3195 Daybreaker Drive
Some of these things are not like Park City.
The Bar at the Victory Ranch Clubhouse
Despite being known for sun, it does sometimes rain in Park City, as evidenced by this photo of me at Running with Ed a few years ago.
Ample parking and two vault toilets were added at the Bonanza Flat trailhead.
Time Magazine Article
Is Victory Ranch this dreamy in real life? Yes, it is.
Sometimes change is hard, but please adhere to all signs.
Park City rental supply by number of bedrooms
Creek Road
This is a photo of the “Tallman” girls taken last winter. From left to right, Emily Tallman, Jennifer Tallman, me, Whitney Tallman, and Hattie Freeman in the front. Nothing is more fun than a family ski trip, right?
Average Sale Price Per Month Park City MLS-Last 12 Months
Columbine Court
Eric O’Connor
Summertime is just one of the beautiful seasons to enjoy this landscape.
Cutter Lane, Ranch Place
Last year I ran in one of The Park City Board of Education’s annual fundraisers, Running With Ed
April Mountain
Does this home seem dated to you? My buyers thought so.