My son on his 4th birthday. He just turned 18. They grow up fast.
A nice spot to enjoy the beauty of the Wasatch.
New listing at 3195 Daybreaker Drive
PC: Kyle Jenkins
The Mayflower Mine at Deer Valley
2891 West View Trail
This is a photo of the “Tallman” girls taken last winter. From left to right, Emily Tallman, Jennifer Tallman, me, Whitney Tallman, and Hattie Freeman in the front. Nothing is more fun than a family ski trip, right?
A property on Pinebrook Road in Park City, a common neighborhood of interest for first time homebuyers.
Looking down from the top of Guardsman Pass.
The ground that has been broken at Mayflower is just to cap some old mine tailings. The land deal has not been finalized yet.