New construction is currently underway at Powder Mountain
2536 Aspen Springs Ranch
Bill White Farms Birdseye View
The ground that has been broken at Mayflower is just to cap some old mine tailings. The land deal has not been finalized yet.
Close Up of Granite Stone at Victory Ranch Bar
This is a photo of the “Tallman” girls taken last winter. From left to right, Emily Tallman, Jennifer Tallman, me, Whitney Tallman, and Hattie Freeman in the front. Nothing is more fun than a family ski trip, right?
Some of these things are not like Park City.
My home office and my new favorite co-worker.
Ontario Mine
Virtual Staging
2750 Meadow Creek Road
Glenwild II
Park City Homes
My kids are home from college and they’re cooking for me!
PC: Kyle Jenkins
Annual pondskimming at Canyons
Photo Credit:
Park City Real Estate
A sample buyer closing statement. Click to view full file.
A mama moose and her calves wandering in the Jeremy Ranch neighborhood.