Percentage of Median Family Income Needed for Median Mortgage in US
Ontario Mine
I love the open concept kitchen.
Main Street has a large number of art galleries in a concentrated area, most of which are open during COVID-19 (with a mask).
Does this home seem dated to you? My buyers thought so.
My husband Larry and I dining alfresco at Ruth’s Chris
Accupuncture Business and Building for Sale
Uinta National Forest
The stock market doesn’t always go up. But what does that mean for luxury real estate in places like Park City?
Lori Harris, owner of Mary Janes on Main Street; Nancy Tallman, Hilary Reiter, Director of Marketing and PR at Sky; Linda Lovelace
Chris Spealler
Crazy Hats at Park Silly Market, Park City UT
This is a photo of the “Tallman” girls taken last winter. From left to right, Emily Tallman, Jennifer Tallman, me, Whitney Tallman, and Hattie Freeman in the front. Nothing is more fun than a family ski trip, right?
Zion National Park in the COVID era
Face Painting at Park Silly Market, Park City, UT
Ranch Place Home
Exterior of Utah Wine Store on 300W
2532 Aspen Springs Drive
A better example of good real estate photography.
The Miners Hospital in City Park is a great place for a picnic with a little history.
My daughter, Whitney, with her face painted from Park Silly earlier this summer.
Photo credit: Laura Lamando
Last year I ran in one of The Park City Board of Education’s annual fundraisers, Running With Ed
Photo Credit:
Park City Pending Sales Trend
Historic Ontario Mine Park City
Park Silly Market Sunday
A photo of my dog Sheriff taken by my daughter Whitney Mortgage Analysis
Is Victory Ranch this dreamy in real life? Yes, it is.