It’s Property Tax Appeal Time!
If you own real property in Summit County, UT, you just received a “Notice of Assessed Property Value” from the County Assessor’s office. Even if your property value remained the same, there are proposed tax increases this year. I say “proposed” because there are hearings scheduled before the tax increases can be finalized. Among the 4 entities proposing tax increases is the Park City School District.
If you believe the estimate of your property’s value is too high, you can appeal until September 17, 2012. To submit an appeal, you will need an appraisal done within the last 18 months or some comparable sales data. The closed sales should be as close to 1/1/2012 as possible. If you are a primary resident or own a home that you rent to a long-term tenant, check to make sure you are paying the primary resident tax rate. For additional information regarding property tax appeals, visit
As a courtesy to my clients and friends, I will help you with an appeal free of charge by preparing comparable sales and providing you with a sample cover letter. If you would like to discuss the assessed value of your property, feel free to contact me at 435.901.0659 or Remember the deadline to appeal is September 17, 2012.