Jordanelle / Brown’s Canyon

Featuring many diverse developments situated around the scenic Jordanelle Reservoir.

Picturesque Reservoir at Jordanelle State Park

Situated around the picturesque reservoir, the many diverse developments of the Jordanelle include a variety of condominiums, single-family homes, and townhomes. The newly completed Jordanelle Parkway is a main thoroughfare in the area connecting both the east and west sides of the reservoir. Sky Ridge is a new community on the west side of the reservoir.

The town of Hideout is on the east side of the reservoir. You’ll also find a variety of townhome projects at the Browns Canyon intersection, including Black Rock Ridge, Black Rock Mountain Resort, Park’s Edge, and The Retreat at the Jordanelle. Though located in Wasatch County, the community is convenient to Park City.

Water sports and boating are available at the Jordanelle State Park. The west side of the Jordanelle area offers easy access to Deer Valley Resort via the Jordanelle Express Gondola and the new Deer Valley East Village.

Midway, Utah

Jordanelle / Brown’s Canyon Real Estate

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Newsleter disclaimer text here You're all clear, kid. Let's blow this thing and go home! I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing for me here now. 

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